Thursday, July 18, 2013

When Things don't happen the way You want them to happen!

Often in our lives Many things don't happen the way we want them to happen and some of them are so important for us that it hurts us mentally or some times physically.
when situations like this happen to children, parents make them understand. When situations like this happen to teenagers, many opt of crying in the corner of just cut their own wrist (this is weakest stage of our species!) , whereas for adults these situations may welcome tensions , stress and all the hurting stuff but most of the times they tend to keep it to themselves!
One thing that is common in all stages is that THEY HEAL! either we find a good solution or we let time heal it.
Each one of us has problems in our life but the solution is not to hide to run to just escape. The true success is achieved by the one who fights them. Fighting off course does not mean to bring swords, TNT's and have a fight , It means the physical power to overcome and balance your own life.
Many people often say 'You are not the same person i used to know!' ,  'You are not the one i loved!'. But then i don't understand if they were mature enough to know that we don't behave the way we used to then why aren't they mature enough to understand that time changes, and problems/situations make us grow and they always make us grow in a positive manner!
Nobody know how long you will live, may be 20 may be 50 or maybe 100 years but each day you learn. Each day we face a million problems but if we start crying over that fact that the path i am following had to turn right and you are wondering why it didnt turn right and instead left. Believe me it is for a reason.
Dont ever loose hope, if the path had to turn left then one day it will turn the way you want because in the end it is your own life! Your own path!

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